It’s been less than a year and thanks to Janine, I get my second “blogging award”! It came as a pleasant surprise, I don’t think I am creative but the lovely Janine thinks otherwise, so guilty as charged! She just bestowed me the Kreativ Blogger Award!
So conditions with this award is that
- I needed to pass on the Kreativ Blog Award to 10 bloggers and notify them; and
- I needed to tell you all 10 things about me that you don’t already know.
Both really tough tasks because I have more than 10 bloggers I would love to acknowledge and I really don’t know what ten things of mine would interest you. But I am doing it anyways!
So for the top ten I would love to acknowledge:
- Janine Ripper at Reflections from a Red Head: I know we aren’t supposed to pass it on to those who passed it to us but she is and will always remain my No.1 blogger!
- Heather Fonseca at Style Confessions: I am no fashion crazed but a chance meeting (through LinkedIn) introduced me to the lady who believes in weaving style and simplicity!
- Samantha Bangayan at What Little Things: I love the way she has an opinion and a voice about the life in Peru.
- Bonnie Copeland at My Rivendell: She actually has wonderful tips to get around in life!
- Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. at Cerebrations: Undoubtedly, the man with the most intelligent posts…always!
- Steve Rice at Karmic Kappuccino: I came across his blog recently and couldn’t get my eyes off the title! Wonderful words of inspiration and if you name it Kappuccino, you are bound to get readers!
- Melanie Kissell as the Solo Mompreneur: Last I heard, she was telling us all to shorten our emails to 140 characters!
- Veronica Campos-Hallstrom at Club Creative Studio: Where there is creativity, there is Veronica!
- Cathy Jones at Just My Thoughts: A wonderful photographer… and beautiful posts!
- Linda at Talk Therapy Biz: Last time I gave her an award she wrote a post called 7 Bloggers I want to share my Couch with!
And now for the tougher part, ten things about myself:
- I am a big foodie; to say “No, I am not hungry” is like a crime in my life.
- My all time favorite movie remains Forrest Gump, though I watch tons of movies, Forrest Gump remains my No.1!
- As a kid, I was so naughty that my parents were scared I would be kicked out of school. But surprisingly that never happened.
- I hate getting my photos clicked. I always end up with the most awkward smile.
- I don’t understand the Vampire craze that has gripped the world. I watched Twilight movies and vowed to never do it again.
- I take a lot of time to make decisions. The only snap decisions I make are in a shoe shop!
- I just spent my last salary on books, almost all of it!
- I am as lazy as lazy can be… my mom thinks that spiders will make webs around me someday.
- I am very bad at learning languages. I stayed in the UAE almost 17 years and made it without learning Arabic. I know how to read and write, but I still find it hard to speak. Contrary to belief, everyone here manages fine with English!
- Coming up with these ten things took me the longest than writing any other post. Mainly because I have done the “things about me” posts twice already!
So, there you go, thanks to Janine once again! And to the ten of you… pass it on guys!